(Martin, 2001, "Semantic Memory", In Cabeza & Kingstone, Handbook of Functional Neuroimaging of Cognition)

(Beauchamp et al., 2002, Neuron)

Ventral Temporal Lobe

  • Martin review says activation for tools (vs. animals) is medial to activation for animals (vs. tools)
  • Activation for tools overlaps with activation for houses (PPA?)
  • Activation for animals overlaps with activation for faces (FFA?)

Lateral Temporal Lobe

  • Martin review says activation for tools (vs. animals) is ventral to activation for animals (vs. tools)
  • Activation for animals overlaps with STS (also activated by faces)
  • Activation for tools in left posterior middle temporal gyrus

Tool-related activation in premotor cortex

(Grafton et al., 1997, NeuroImage)

Tool-related activation in ventral premotor cortex and posterior parietal cortex

(Chao & Martin, 2000, NeuroImage)

(Mecklinger et al., 2002, Cerebral Cortex)