Can I use your slides?

Colleagues are welcome to use the slides for teaching purposes only. I have tried where possible to give credit to the original sources --- Please retain these credits. I welcome any suggestions, corrections, additions or revisions.

Can I use your tutorials and the accompanying data?

Data and tutorials are open access. If you use the data in any publication, you must acknowledge the BrainsCAN grant from the Canada First Research Excellence Fund to Western University — they paid for data collection and development support

Can I buy the book fMRI for Newbies?

Plans are in the works for a textbook and new tutorials. At the moment, fMRI for Newbies is only available as a free website. For those looking for an introductory text for fMRI, I recommend Huettel, Song, & McCarthy's Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, published by Sinauer.

Can I take your graduate course?

The course is typically offered in the Fall term each year (except years when Jody Culham is on sabbatical).

Where does the site's name come from?

In the early 2000s, the web site was originally called "fMRI for Dummies" but had to be changed following a rather threatening letter from the legal department of the Wiley Corporation, which publishes the trademarked "For Dummies" series.

Can you help me [design my experiment, do my analysis, understand how Brain Voyager works... etc.]?

This site was created as a public service but I cannot provide support to everyone who requests it. As another fMRI site has put it, "You wouldn't ask the author of a cookbook to come to your house and make dinner." If I can provide an answer quickly or direct people to other resources, I try to do so, but my time is limited. Questions about Brain Voyager should be addressed to the Brain Voyager support team, including