Retinotopic and Early Visual Areas
Visual Areas in Human Occipital Cortex
(Logothetis, N., November 1999. Vision: A window on consciousness. Scientific American)
Comparison of Monkey and Human Visual Areas
(Tootell, Tsao & Vanduffel. 2003. J. Neurosci. 23, 3981-3989)
V1 = primary visual cortex (along calcarine sulcus)
V2 / V3 / VP = extrastriate visual areas
- Preliminary visual processing, properties become more complex and receptive fields become larger at higher levels
- Each has a dorsal part (V1d, V2d and V3d, above calcarine representing lower visual field) and a ventral part (V1v, V2v, VP=V3v, below calcarine representing upper visual field)
- Areas can be distinguished by mapping horizontal and vertical meridia of the visual field
Click images to enlarge
(Sereno et al., 1995)
(Engel et al., 1997)
- junction of transverse occipital and intraparietal sulci
- responds to visual motion
- unlike lower-tier areas (V1d, V2d, V3d) which contain a quarter-field representation, V3A represents the entire contralateral hemifield
Click images to enlarge
(Tootell et al., 1997)
Transverse Occipital Sulcus (dotted line) & V3A (outline) (Tootell et al., 1997)
(Culham et al., 1998)
- V3A (as defined by Tootell et al., 1997) may actually consist of 2 areas, V3A-proper and V3B (Smith et al, 1998)
(Smith et al., 1998)
- Anterior to V3A
- Strong attentional responses
- Possible homologue of macaque DP (a tentative area even in monkey)
(Tootell et al., 1998, The retinotopy of visual spatial attention. Neuron, 1409-1422)
- Inferior temporal-occipital
- Form perception?
- Function not clear in humans yet
- Boundaries and visual field maps of V4v and V8 are controversial in humans -- no consensus yet
- Anterior to V4
- Color perception
- Responds strongly to motion
- "+" indicates that this is probably the same as monkey area MT (motion area) PLUS adjacent areas like MSTd, MSTl, FST
(Watson et al., 1995)
- Sean Dukelow found one subregion that responds only to contralateral stimulation (likely MT-proper, orange) and one that also responds to ipsilateral stimulation (likely MST, yellow)
<Image needs to be replaced, original much too small>
(Dukelow et al., 2001)
KO (Kinetic Occipital) area
- Orban and colleagues have proposed an area that responds to kinetic boundaries which lies posterior to MT+
KO (orange) vs. MT (red) and V3 (purple) KO (red arrow) vs. MT (green arrow)
(van Oostende et al., 1997)
- Tootell and Hadjikhani (2001) propose an area V4d (dorsal V4) that seems to include the LO complex (LOC and LOP) and to overlap with what others called V3B and KO.
- V4d does not respond to color but does respond to kinetic boundaries
(Tootell & Hadjikhani, 2001)