The NEWBI4fMRI companion site with tutorials for the fMRI4Newbies lectures
The website for Jody Culham’s CulhamARI Lab
These are some of the most useful pages I found for understanding and teaching fMRI.
Robarts Centre for Functional and Magnetic Mapping site at Western
Contains Safety Videos and 3T/7T Safety Quiz
Contains Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
The fMRI course at Duke has some great slides available online, many of which come from Huettel, Song & McCarthy.
The Oxford FMRIB group has an intro to fMRI for lay people
MR Physics and fMRI methods
A great, compehensive overview unpacking many aspects of MR physics, including some material on BOLD and fMRI can be found on Questions and Answers in MRI
MRI tutorial (requires Macromedia Shockwave) on
Douglas Noll’s Primer on MRI and Functional MRI
For a more advanced tutorial, see: Joseph Hornak’s Web Tutorial: The Basics of MRI
fMRI Methods
Marty Sereno's Movies of Cortical Unfolding, Flattening, and Activity
fMRI Statistics
MRC-CBU Cambridge site has a lot of info on SPM but much is of general interest
Rik Henson has a good page on designing efficient fMRI experiments
there is a useful explanation of how to convert between MNI and Talairach coordinates
page on identifying commissures
page on smoothing
Martin Lindquist has offered a free Coursera course called "Principles of fMRI". You can check the course webpage for when the course will be offered again.
Rebecca Saxe has an excellent fMRI boot camp. It is especially useful for multivariate analyses.
MRI Safety
An old GE safety video has cheesy acting but powerful demos of the magnetic field (See esp time = 5:18 to 8:45)
MGH has some general information on magnet safety
Brain Anatomy
Neurosynth is an excellent resource that provides a meta-analysis of fMRI studies that is useful for examining activation for specific tasks
Brain Tutor is free software for learning anatomy (particularly cortical anatomy)
Data Structure
fMRIprep preprocessing pipeline
SPM (Statistical Parametric Mapping)
AFNI (Analysis of Functional Neuroimages)
A comprehensive list of neuroimaging software on Wikipedia
An article on DTI software